President Packer explained the experience."The antelope, particularly, were very nervous. They would approach the mud hole, only to turn and run away in great fright. I could see there were no lions about and asked the guide why they didn’t drink. His answer, and this is the lesson, was 'Crocodiles.'
I knew he must be joking and asked him seriously, “What is the problem?” The answer again: “Crocodiles.”
“Nonsense,” I said. “There are no crocodiles out there. Anyone can see that.”
I couldn’t see anything except the mud, a little water, and the nervous animals in the distance. Then all at once I saw it!—a large crocodile, settled in the mud, waiting for some unsuspecting animal to get thirsty enough to come for a drink."
President Packer had a very neat experience. He related this unseen crocodiles to "spiritual crocodiles." Not just the big, gray lizards that can bite you to pieces, but spiritual crocodiles, infinitely more dangerous, and more deceptive and less visible, even, than those well-camouflaged reptiles of Africa. They can destroy your peace of mind and the peace of mind of those that love you.
That experience in Africa was another reminder for me to follow the Guide. I follow Him because I want to. I bear witness that He lives, that Jesus is the Christ. I know that He has a body of flesh and bones, that He directs this Church, and His purpose is to see all of us guided safely back into His presence."
I also bear my witness of these crocodiles. They truly can ruin lives. An area that may appear safe when not looked upon by spiritual eyes can destroy you. Study the situation. Don't let something that is only a little bit bad grab hold of you. If it already has, seek divine help. It is never to late!!!
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